The United Kingdom is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. It offers unforgettable experiences to visitors with its history, culture, nature and modern lifestyle. Consisting of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, this country has many attractions that will amaze every visitor. The United Kingdom is also known as the homeland of famous personalities who have made great contributions to world culture. One of the most prominent figures of this country is William Shakespeare. Visiting the places where Shakespeare was born and lived is an unforgettable memory for both literature lovers and history and culture lovers.
The United Kingdom is famous for its historical monuments, cultural heritage and modern city life. Cities such as London, Edinburgh, Belfast and Cardiff, each with its own unique atmosphere, offer different experiences to visitors. London is known for its famous landmarks such as Big Ben, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace and the British Museum. Edinburgh, on the other hand, is known as the historical and cultural center of Scotland, with Edinburgh Castle and the Royal Mile.
The United Kingdom also has many options for nature lovers. The mountains and lakes of Scotland, the forests of Wales and the agricultural fields of England are ideal destinations for nature lovers. In addition, the UK has many activities for sports enthusiasts. In particular, sports such as ice hockey can be an exciting experience for visitors during the winter months.
When planning your trip, it is important to take into account the climate of the United Kingdom. The country has a temperate oceanic climate, with warm summers and cold and rainy winters. Therefore, it is better to plan your travel dates with the weather in mind.
The United Kingdom is also known for its rich cultural heritage. Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of Shakespeare, Liverpool, famous for the Beatles, and the locations where the Harry Potter films were filmed, offer unforgettable experiences for culture lovers.
In this blog, we will share the main points you should pay attention to when traveling to the United Kingdom, the places to visit, and all the details about the visa process.
Things to See and Do in the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is a country that offers something for every visitor. From historical monuments to modern cultural centers, there are many places to visit. Here are a few of them:
Historical and Cultural Sites
London: The capital of the United Kingdom, London is a city where history and modern culture meet. Famous landmarks such as Big Ben, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge and the British Museum attract millions of tourists every year. London's West End theatres also offer unforgettable experiences for culture lovers.
Edinburgh: The capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, is famous for its historic castles and streets. Edinburgh Castle, the Royal Mile and the National Gallery of Scotland are some of the city's most famous landmarks. The Edinburgh Festival, held every August, is one of the largest cultural festivals in the world.
Belfast: The capital of Northern Ireland, Belfast is known for its famous landmarks such as the Titanic Belfast Museum and the Qian's Causeway. The city is also known for its vibrant cultural life and music scene.
Cardiff: The capital of Wales, Cardiff offers visitors a historical experience with landmarks such as Cardiff Castle and the National Museum of Wales. The city is also famous for its sporting events.
Stratford-upon-Avon: Shakespeare's birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon is one of the most famous cultural destinations in the United Kingdom. This small and beautiful town is located in the county of Warwickshire, England. Shakespeare's Birthplace, located on Henley Street, is visited by thousands of tourists every year.
Mountains and Lakes of Scotland: Scotland is a paradise for nature lovers. Ben Nevis and Loch Ness are some of the most famous natural attractions in the country. Activities such as hiking and camping are ideal for nature lovers.
Forests of Wales: Wales is famous for its rich forests and mountains. Snowdonia National Park attracts thousands of tourists every year.
Sports games
The United Kingdom also offers many activities for sports enthusiasts. In particular, winter sports such as ice hockey can be an exciting experience for visitors during the winter months.
- Ice Hockey: Ice hockey is popular in the United Kingdom, especially in Scotland and England. Cities such as Manchester, Nottingham and Sheffield have professional hockey teams. Visitors can watch hockey games in these cities and even play hockey themselves on ice rinks.
- Football: The United Kingdom is known as the home of football. Watching famous football clubs play in cities such as London, Manchester and Liverpool can be an unforgettable experience for sports fans.
- Golf: Scotland is known as the home of golf. St. Andrews Golf Course is one of the most famous golf courses in the world.
Transportation, Hotel and Daily Expenses in the United Kingdom
When traveling to the United Kingdom, having detailed information about transportation, hotel options, and daily expenses will make your trip more comfortable. Therefore, it is advisable to take a look at the following information:
The transportation network in the United Kingdom is very well developed. There are many options for traveling within the city and between cities.
- Underground and Buses: Underground and bus services are widely available in major cities such as London, Manchester and Glasgow. The London Underground is one of the oldest metro systems in the world and is the most convenient way to travel within the city.
- Train Services: Train services in the United Kingdom are very efficient. Trains are the fastest and most convenient way to travel between cities. There are frequent train services between London, Edinburgh, Manchester and other major cities.
- Taxis and Commercial Vehicles: It is also possible to travel within the city by taxi or commercial vehicle. Apps such as Uber provide convenient and fast travel within the city.
Hotel Options
The United Kingdom has a wide range of hotel options, from luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels.
- Luxury Hotels: Cities such as London, Edinburgh and Belfast have luxury hotels such as The Ritz, The Savoy and The Balmoral. These hotels are known for their high standards of service and comfort.
- Mid-Range Hotels: Hotel chains such as Premier Inn, Travelodge and Holiday Inn offer high quality service at mid-range prices.
- Hostels and Budget Options: Hostels and budget hotels are also widespread in the United Kingdom. Organisations such as the YHA (Youth Hostels Association) offer budget options for young travellers.
Daily Expenses
Daily expenses in the United Kingdom can vary depending on the city you are traveling to and your lifestyle. While costs are higher in big cities like London, it is possible to find more budget-friendly options in smaller towns or villages. Below is a rough estimate of your daily expenses in the UK:
- Food: The cost of food in the UK varies depending on where you choose to eat. If you want to eat out, a main course per person can cost between £15 and £30. Fast food restaurants can cost between £5 and £10. If you want to shop at supermarkets and prepare your own meals, £10 to £15 per day is enough.
- Transport: You can expect to spend between £5 and £10 per day on public transport within the city. In cities like London, you can reduce your travel costs by using an Oyster card or contactless payment system. Intercity train journeys can cost between £20 and £50, but you can get cheaper prices by buying tickets in advance.
- Sightseeing: Entrance fees to museums, castles and other tourist attractions range from £10 to £20. Some places, especially the British Museum in central London, offer free entry. For activities such as sporting events or concerts, it is advisable to budget between £20 and £100.
If you are planning a trip to the United Kingdom, it is important to prepare your visa in advance. A United Kingdom visa is the main document for entering the country and there are different types. Below we have listed the documents required for a United Kingdom visa, the types of visa and the detailed information about the application process.
United Kingdom Visa Types
Planladığınız səyahəti reallaşdırmaq üçün Birləşmiş Krallıq turizm vizasını əldə edə bilərsiniz. Bu viza növünə müraciət etmə səbəbləri arasında turizm, yaxınlara və dostlara ziyarət, işgüzar səfər, tibbi müayinə və ya müalicə, qısamüddətli təhsil, mübadilə proqramları və digər məqsədlər yer ala bilər. Əslində, Birləşmiş Krallığın müxtəlif viza növləri mövcuddur və yuxarıda qeyd olunan hər bir səbəb üçün xüsusi viza müraciəti aparılır. Bütün bu variantları bir araya gətirərək, hamısını turist vizası kateqoriyası altında toplamaq mümkündür. Əgər Birləşmiş Krallıqda 180 gündən çox müddət üçün uzunmüddətli təhsil (bakalavr, magistr, doktorantura və s. kimi) almaq və ya bir qurumda daimi işləmək arzusundasınızsa, həmin təhsil və iş qurumlarından alınan rəsmi dəvət və ya qəbul məktubları əsasında Birləşmiş Krallığın milli vizasına müraciət etmək də mümkündür.
United Kingdom Tourist Visa
A transition period has been announced for the United Kingdom and the European Union to negotiate further arrangements. The United Kingdom visa is issued in both single-entry and multiple-entry variants. It is also possible to apply for a short-stay visa covering only your first visit, or a multiple-entry, long-stay visa. This option varies depending on your purpose of travel and the length of your stay.
It is important to note that the UK visa is issued to applicants for multiple entries and for a period of 6 months. This means that after obtaining the visa, you can stay in the country for 6 months without interruption. In addition, you have the opportunity to apply for two year, five year and ten year visas.
Documents Required for a UK Visa Application
When applying for a United Kingdom visa, you are required to submit the following documents:
- Xarici pasportunuzun orijinal nüsxəsi və birinci səhifəsinin surəti
- Əgər mövcuddursa, əvvəlki vizalarınızın və giriş-çıxış möhürlərinin surətləri
- Şəxsiyyət vəsiqənizin surətiİş yerindən verilmiş arayış* və varsa, maaş kartınızın çıxarışı (təhsil alanlar üçün müvafiq təhsil müəssisəsindən arayış*)
- Adınıza olan bank hesabından alınan arayış* (Məbləğ barədə daha ətraflı məlumat aşağıda göstərilmişdir)
- Adınıza olan bank hesabından ən azı son 3 ayın çıxarışları
- Əgər varsa, adınıza qeydiyyatda olan mülklərin çıxarışları* və avtomobilinizin texpasport nüsxəsi
- Mülki vəziyyətinizi təsdiq edən sənəd* (əgər ailəlisinizsə, nikah şəhadətnaməniz, 18 yaşdan aşağı uşaq varsa, onların doğum şəhadətnamələri və ya nikahın pozulmasına dair sənədin surəti)
- Səyahətiniz üçün bron etdiyiniz aviabilet təsdiqləri
- Səyahətiniz üçün etdiyiniz otel rezervasiyalarıİngilis dilində doldurulmuş ərizə forması
- Əgər müraciət turistik məqsədlə deyil, işgüzar səfər üçün edilirsə, həmin iş, tədbir və ya görüşlə bağlı rəsmi dəvət məktubu
Documents marked with an “*” must be submitted to the embassy in English. If the original language of the documents is not English but Azerbaijani, they must be translated into English and notarized.
The amount of money in your bank account may vary depending on your travel dates, i.e. the length of your stay in the UK, the prices of your flight tickets and hotels, and other factors. In general, it is advisable to have a minimum of 4,000-5,000 AZN (the equivalent in euros or US dollars is also accepted) in your bank account for a week's trip. This amount should fully cover your travel plans. When calculating the amount, we recommend that you add the cost of your flight and hotel reservations to the average daily cost of 70-80 pounds for each day you will be in the country, and consider a slightly higher amount than this figure.
If you are an entrepreneur, instead of a certificate from your place of work, you can submit a copy of your TIN, a certificate of turnover from the Ministry of Taxes, and an extract from the register of your company. If you are unemployed, studying, or sponsoring another person to cover your travel expenses, a copy of that person's ID card, a certificate from your place of work (if you are an entrepreneur, the documents listed above), a certificate and extract from your bank account (this account can be in both your and the sponsor's name), a document confirming family ties (for example, if you are a parent, your own birth certificate; if you have a brother or sister, both birth certificates, etc.) and a document on sponsorship must also be submitted. If the applicant is under 18 years of age, a copy of the exit permit of both parents if traveling alone, or of the other parent if traveling with one of the parents, must also be submitted.
It is important to note that when you submit documents such as your TIN, a certificate of turnover from the Ministry of Taxes, an extract from your company's registry, or a sponsorship document, each of these documents must be notarized and translated into English.
Visa Procedure
The sequence of the visa application procedure for the United Kingdom is as follows:
Choosing a visa type
Azerbaijani citizens are required to have a visa to come to the United Kingdom to study, work or join their family. There are different types of UK visas available, depending on the purpose of your visit, how long you plan to stay in the country and your personal circumstances. The first thing you need to do is choose one of these options.
Preparing the application
For most UK visa types, it is possible to complete an application form, submit it and pay the visa fee online. An individual application form is completed, submitted and paid for each applicant; age differences are not taken into account. There is no exemption from the visa fee in any case and the amount varies depending on the type of visa you are applying for. In most cases, applications are submitted at least 3 months before the intended start date of travel, study programme or work.
Attending a visa interview
After completing and submitting the application form, submitting the visa application fee, and paying the visa fee, you will be required to schedule an appointment. Usually, only your passport is required for the visa appointment; scanned copies of other documents will suffice.
Issuance of a visa decision
The visa decision time varies depending on the type of visa you are applying for. For a tourist visa, this process usually takes 3-4 weeks. If the decision is positive, a visa sticker will be affixed to your passport; if it is refused, your passport will be returned with a document stating the reason for the refusal.
Although the United Kingdom has an embassy in Azerbaijan, it does not have a consular service. Therefore, visa applications are processed through a visa application center called “UK TLS Contact”. Visa decisions are issued by the British Consulate in Istanbul and these procedures are regulated by the United Kingdom Visas and Immigration (UKVI).
The fee for a UK travel visa is set at £115. This amount is payable online after the application form is approved.
Probability of Obtaining a UK Visa
As with other countries' embassies, when applying for a visa to the United Kingdom, the state of your personal profile determines your chances of obtaining a visa. The stability of your job, the level of your position, your monthly income above the average salary (experience shows that visas are issued to people earning around 600-700 AZN), showing sufficient funds in your bank account to fully cover your travel expenses, factors that prove your commitment to the country (property registered in your name, the presence of family and children), and a good travel history increase your chances of obtaining a visa. If you have no previous travel experience, i.e. you do not have Schengen or other visas, the application can be risky. However, if other aspects of your profile are strong and your travel history is good, your chances of obtaining a United Kingdom visa may increase. A good travel history is an important factor that directly affects your ability to obtain a visa.
Visa Support to the United Kingdom
We, Vizam.az, are ready to provide you with full support during your visa application to the United Kingdom. If you use our visa support services, you will benefit from services such as making an appointment at the embassy on your behalf, filling out the application form, professionally preparing and submitting documents, booking flight tickets for your trip, booking hotels or selecting them according to your requirements, compiling your travel itinerary, consulting and monitoring the visa procedure. In addition, we also support you in notarizing and certifying documents into English. The additional fee for each document is 16 AZN. In general, our visa support service fee for a United Kingdom travel visa is 190 AZN per person.
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Don't forget to visit Shakespeare's house during your trip. Happy travels!